We had an exciting, fun, tiring and long weekend together with family. Nana and Papa were able to come in from Mexico for a week long visit. Uncle Jay, Aunt Sherry, Meagan and Ryan were visiting from Lubbock. Our cousin Ian drove in from A&M. SO lots of family and lots of food and lots of good times. We ate dinner together Friday night and much thanks to Papa and Nana who cooked a TON of good authentic Mexican food that was quite delicioso! Saturday we celebrated Aunt Karen's birthday and we also celebrated Nana's birthday a little early since we won't see her in December on her actual birthday. Then, we ended the night with some trick 0r treating with Papa and Nana. Amaya was totally into it and so was Caden until we got to some houses with some scary guys. Caden was done and so we went home pretty quickly. It was such a good weekend and I am happy to have spent such a good time with such good family and friends.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Boo Fall Funival Fest Carnival
Monday, October 26, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Amaya and her good friend, Madison.
Sweet Sadie trying to eat her hand.
Daddy and Jordy!
Nana blowing a wierd kiss?? and Caden with his hot dog.
Blowing out the candles on his Lightning McQueen cake.
Amaya blowing out the candles on her Hannah Montana cupcakes.
Duke feeds Jordan some yummy cake.
Being so patient and very ready to start opening gifts.
Caden opens his Buzz Lightyear toy. He just stood there staring at it. I don't think he could believe he actually got one. Thanks Aunt Karen!
Love that yellow bow!
Chrissa, Amaya's American Girl doll. A definite favorite.
Thanks to Duke and Nana!
We partied at the park and started early. The pavillion is first come, first serve and we didn't want to miss out on a covered area with picnic tables for the party. Chase and I got the kids and all the stuff to the park by 9:51 that morning. No problems, no one was there but some cross-country runners. It was an absolutely gorgeous day to be outside! We started partying around 11:00 and had a big ol' blast! Dad made his very popular and rapidly becoming famous chili and we had hot dogs and Frito pie. Mom and Dad did so much to help us with this party and we are so thankful! What a fam have we!
Friends and family just had a good time being together, eating and enjoying the wonderful weather.
Friends and family just had a good time being together, eating and enjoying the wonderful weather.
Thanks to all who made it. We love sharing these special times with you all.
They Just Keep Growing!
This past Sunday, October 11, my boy turned three years old. There are times when it seems like time was dragging by S-L-owly (i.e. when I was 8 months pregnant and chasing my two year old) but, of course, now it all seems like it's gone by so fast. Caden is hilarious, intelligent, gorgeous, FUN, sweet and loving. He still likes to sit in my lap and give sweet kisses and hugs. He likes to give all variety of kisses: eskimo, forehead, mouth and his favorite BUTTERFLY. Chase likes to ask him what time it is because the answer is always, "84." Caden is a music-lover. He loves to dance to it, listen to it and play it. He got a keyboard for his birthday and it has been among his favorite gifts. He loves his family and he loves his friends. His question at bedtime every night is, "What are we getting up for tomorrow?" He wants to know the plan and he wants it to be a fun one. He loves to go go go!! Visiting family and friends, going to the park or just going for a walk in the stroller are some of his favorite times. OH! and of course he's always up for a Wal-Mart trip.
Caden is our precious, strong-willed, often difficult blessing from God and we just wouldn't be the same without him. We love you sweet Cadey-Tatey!!
Amaya Grace is SEVEN years old. Yesterday (Sunday) was her official birthday and she woke up happy and ready for her special day. Amaya is fabulous, gifted, funny, thoughtful, kind, smart, gracious and beautiful. She loves school and reading. Her reading improves weekly and we are so happy and excited to have another avid reader in the family. She loves to go to the library and heads straight for the non-fiction section to find as many books as she can about as many different animals as she can. She is constantly surprising us with her wit and intelligence. She loves her family and spending time together. She also loves playing with her friends. She is an artist who most often uses her talents to make cards and other gifts for those she loves. One of her favorite pasttimes is spending time on the computer playing with her Webkinz or just playing games. She loves with all that she has and is and sometimes just doesn't have the means to sufficiently express that love.
Amaya is our gorgeous, sensitive and precious first baby. We've learned so much from Amaya and are truly, truly blessed to call her our daughter.
Amaya is our gorgeous, sensitive and precious first baby. We've learned so much from Amaya and are truly, truly blessed to call her our daughter.
Friday, October 2, 2009
First days, teeth and frowns.
I had to stick this pic in because it cracks me up. Caden and Grace frowning at each other. I don't know why they were frowning but it's pretty funny.
So, I've got two in school for at least two days a week and little Jordy at home with me. I should probably stop calling him Jordy but I just can't. I should definitely have stopped calling Caden "Cadey" long before I did.
Amaya is loving school and reading like C-razy. I'm so proud of her and I hope she will always have a love for books like she does now.
Not a lot of storytelling this post, but pictures are worth more than words sometimes, right?
Monday, July 6, 2009
Firecracker Firecracker BoomBoomBoom
Happy Birthday, Nana!! We love you!
It was a LONG day and we were definitely ready for bed that night.
Thank God for the blessings of family and friends!
Happy Independence Day!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
June Bugs!
Jordan had his six month check up last month and he is one TALL kid. He was in the 75th percentile in weight (18.1 lbs.) and in the 100th percentile in height.
June went by so fast and I can't seem to remember much except that Sadie was born and all my kids were fed, bathed and otherwise well taken care of. But, that's okay. I'll remember the big stuff and maybe if I had blogged a little more often I would have more memories of what was going on this past month.
This month I walked into the kitchen (after being gone for about three minutes) to find Jordan with a handlebar moustache. Apparently the placements I had bought at the Dollar Spot for the big kids came with dry erase markers. So, Caden made good use of his by giving Jordan a moustache and a few curli-Qs on top of his head. Jordan was in hi BUMBO at the time and I couldn't find my camera. It was so funny (after I took the time to look for camera and the irritation had a chance to subside).
This month I returned to my bedroom to find Caden in Jordan's bed feeding him Pop-tarts. It was kind of amazing that Jordan did actually get some little bits and ate them quite capably.
This month Caden was playing with Jordan and had the cutest smile on his face when he leaned over to say, "Hey there little buckaroo!"
This month Amaya has completely amazed me with her reading!! She'll be reading me a book and a word will come up that I'm pretty sure she'll need help with and she just breezes right through it. No problems whatsoever!! She is a very fluent and expressive reader.
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