Jordan inside the MOLA (Museum of Living Art)
Caden wanted a picture of him "sitting on" the snake.
All three looking at the turtles swimming underwater.
Very cool. Although I have a sneaking suspicion that he never actually saw the snake.
Had to get an official MOLA pic for Amaya's Zoo Scrapbook
Inside the stagecoach in the Texas section. Note: Amaya is wearing her tiger shirt and tiger print headband in honor of our trip to the zoo.
Caden looking up into the water.
Then Amaya jumped in and Caden wasn't too sure about sharing his "water spot"
Amaya is holding a book that Grandma Pat bought her a few months ago from Barnes and Noble. It's called "Critters" and it's a guide to all the "critters" found in Texas. At the back there is a section where you can check off the animals you've seen and when and where you saw them. She was able to check A LOT of her animals off after visiting the Texas section and she was SO excited!
This was supposed to be a picture of everyone with the Bald Eagle for Duke since that is his favorite bird. However, you can't really see him so it just turns about to a cute pic of Chase and the kids.
The boys and I. Getting toward the end of trip and starting to feel a little tired and sleepy. Also, Jordan decided he needed to wear his "ba-pack" for the rest of the trip.
Jordan was the first one to spot the Texas Longhorn and the Paint horse but then started looking at his shoe before I could catch a shot of him pointing.