Caden turned four years old this past Monday! He has been so excited about his birthday and especially excited to have a party with his friends at school in Mrs. Christy's class. He LOVES him some Spiderman so we made Spiderman cupcakes and had a little party. He was so cute and excited! He had made invitations for all his friends and passed them out the morning of the party. SO SWEET! I love that little man!
There were several children absent the day of the party so Jordan was invited to sit next to his big bro and join in the fun!

Caden and Jordan getting "Spiderwebs" all over their little faces.

Chase, of course, enjoyed my Spiderman creation immensely!!

Jordan playing with his party favors after the party while we waited for Amaya to get out of school!

Papa and Nana sent both Amaya and Caden gift cards to do some shopping for their birthdays. Amaya will be eight on the 18th and we are having her party this coming Friday night so pictures will be posted after that. Amaya was given a gift card to Barnes and Noble (PERFECT FOR HER) and Caden to Toys 'R Us. We went to Barnes and Noble first and she was SO happy to find an entire section of Magic Tree House books.

Searching for books!

She made her choices and used her gift card and paid herself. She had me stand back and watch.

Now, it was Caden's turn. This toy display was of a talking caveman and you pushed a button to see what the toy (that cost $119.00 YIKES!) could do. Caden jumped about ten feet in the air when the caveman started shouting and turning flips and was a little wary of getting any closer.

I told you...that kid LOVES Spiderman! He picked a Spiderman Web Blaster and mask so now he can blast his family with spiderwebs all day long.

The sun was in his eyes. This is Caden after his shopping trip where he paid using his gift card himself without any help from mom and dad. He was also quite proud of himself. What a big guy!
The kids had a BLAST getting to do their own shopping and we had fun watching them.
Thanks Papa and Nana!!! We can't wait to see you guys!!